
Cyclistic Case study

This case study is my analysis of the Cyclistic capstone project from the Google Data Analytics Professional Course using the member data in 2021. This capstone project includes:

The target of this case study is to find a strategy to help Cyclistic, a bike share company based in Chicago, to maximize the number of annual memberships and increase their profit, using the historical data from the riders in 2021. The data contains the following information of each ride:

Note that start_station (start_station_id) and end_station (end_station_id) are not considered in this case study. But they could contain important reasons for customers choosing to be members, with mostly geographical reasons (e.g. customers live near stations far away from other transportations may choose to join memberships). For possible furture need of these information, we now only clean this data by double check the one-to-one pair of the station names and station id.

Data processing/cleaning (Rstudio)

Visualizations and results

Moreover, to discover the trend of using bikes in 2021 in a monthly view, I aslo plot the number of rides in each month.

Strategy of increasing memberships

The behaviour of the customers can be summarized as following:

We could design such a membership strategy to help causal members to choose the best one that fits their needs: